Impedance - The most ignored and useful measurement tool

I’m constantly reading about audiophiles diagnosing their speakers or attempting to mod their crossovers with expensive new parts. The one tool I wish they’d all get and rarely do is an impedance graphing tool. These are either nearly free or affordable.

They let you produce impedance charts like Stereophile does, as well as measure capacitors and inductors with ESR/DCR respectively.

In the nearly free variety you can build one and use Room EQ Wizard. In the affordable is the Dayton Audio V3. Either one does an excellent job of measuring a driver, crossover parts and the entire speaker as well. Completely irreplaceable tools.

Diagnosing your speakers with the help of others on the internet is made so much easier when you have one of these. Even if your speakers are fine, measure them and keep the charts handy for when they do go bad, it will make it much easier to understand what is and is not working. Replacing a cap/coil? Measure them and the speaker before and after when you are done to make sure everything came back together properly.

You’d be surprised how many speakers have a woofer or tweeter that has stopped working but the listeners don’t even realize it.  These are immediately visible problems in the impedance plot.

Of course, it's just a tool, but when a driver goes bad, or a solder joint fails the impedance charts will go wildly off track.  It's up to you to dig in and diagnose further.


Showing 6 responses by erik_squires

speakers impedance is good start, but it will not tell us whole story!

Nor do I ever claim it is.

whole amp+cable+speakers system need to be characterized on frequency and time domain, incl. distortions etc.,

Why? I was only posting this to show how an important tool can help audiophiles diagnose their problems faster, fix broken systems and mod safely.

I never claimed it was a replacement for full speaker analysis, which in the use cases I spoke about is not needed.  When you say need I think you are thinking far beyond the limited situations I was discussing.


Honestly, if anyone is interested, head over to DIYaudio were a lot over talented and helpful builders hang out.

I didn't mean to start a whole conversation on impedance, just on how having basic diagnostic tools like this one can be really helpful..


Well, you have taught me something new.  I've been at this a long time and just today realized there was such a thing as negative impedance.

@lanx0003 Suggest you hit up the very active REW forums! but I believe that's not negative impedance, it's phase angle.  Ask in DIYaudio for help with that, but it's related to how capacititive or inductive an impedance is.  These cause the current and voltage to be out of phase compared to a resistor.

Is there extra functionaity in the Dayton piece that makes it worth it

To be honest I have only used the DATS V2 and really love how well and easy it is to use, I’ve not tried the REW, but if I recall it requires you to use 2 audio channels at once?  I'm not sure.

It’s really a matter of convenience. Also, AFAIK DATS is Windows only, so if you are a MacOS only home REW is your only option.

There are other professional impedance measurement tools, BTW, these are just the two least expensive I know of.