If your were to assemble a vintage system ?

Let’s say you were going to put together a vintage system and your source was primarily vinyl. Your price limit is $1500. What would it be? 
Make it as musical as possible. Super detail or thunderous bass isn’t going to be very high on the list. My first thought would be a 70’s Marantz receiver (50ish wpc is more than adequate) an 80’s AR table, and any iteration of a Vandersteen 2C that didn’t bust the budget. 

Could easily also swap in a Pioneer SX750 instead of a Marantz. 
Cartridge? Not sure- might actually go with something modern/current. AT or Nagaoka 

what would you put together? 

Showing 1 response by midareff1

I'd start right here....    magnificent sound then ..  30 years ago, and magnificent still.  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Pair-of-Acoustat-Model-Spectra-1100-Electrostatic-Speakers/174192845960?has...       or   https://www.ebay.com/itm/ACOUSTAT-MK-141-B-Speakers-PAIR/353404753349?hash=item52489095c5:g:2~AAAOSw...   the first takes wall warts for power to the interface so be sure they are included.  After that I'd go for big power, the more the better.  They have a love affair with MOSFET  amps ..  very high synergy so that if possible... if not high power anything and revisit later.  You should still have $300 or $400 left at this point for a table and some variety of pre for the cartridge.  You will have a system you can build with later.