If you want the utmost clarity from your CDs

This product has been around for a long time. 
Someone mentioned it recently in passing in a post, so I thought I’d give it a try.
For $35, it’s made an amazing difference. 
It’s Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat.
Considering How much I’ve spent changing components in order to achieve better SQ, this cheap little device is ridiculous!  
The difference in clarity is palpable.  
If you haven’t tried it you owe it to yourself.


@shopanon So I notice the guy, Mike, wrote the review is a "Dealer."  I would like to know your own experience with it.  Please report back to share.  

No experience with this guy or forum, only the appreciation of some insightful comments about the type of music that I usually listen to. He describes things that I look for in classical music but can't really articulate, so I trust what he said (albeit 13 yrs. ago). But that is approximately where I stand (except for some recent Schiit acquisitions) when it comes to my newest audio system.

This sounds great and something I’d really like to try.  But, I’ve already had to have my Oppo transport mechanism repaired once so I’m a little concerned this might mess it up again.  And since Oppo is DOA I’m concerned about having to have it repaired.  Any info on this damaging any transports/CD players?

I’m using it on my OPPO for SACDs and my transport for CDs with no problems.