If there’s an audiophile exit ramp, this ain’t it…

Audiogon and the audio press, I mean. I finally have the system I was aiming for and had imagined for my future, as conjured from the cryptic pages of stereophile etc. — incredible transparency, scale, and ‘realness’ — but whenever I’m drawn to these sites/pages, as I have been for two years, I am confronted again with doubt and a vague longing for ‘perfection’ in a new purchase. I just want to enjoy the music.

Im ready for the audiophile exit ramp, and this ain’t it…

Showing 2 responses by mglik

It is a merry-go-round. I finally got off after 50 years.
In fact, this is my anniversary. Got my first system when I went away to college at 18.
Sure, it was great fun to get a shiny, new component. At least until the flash wore off. I am content that I now have my destination system.
Several recent tweaks greatly raised the SQ. Townshend Podiums under my speakers was incredible. So much so that is is hard to believe! QSA yellow fuses were not as much but a significant improvement. I think, the last tweak will be NPS 1260 solution.
Don’t think it will hurt anything but may also be significant. And, maybe, great. Going off OP, anyone have experience with NPS 1260?
Your Absolare integrated is very interesting. And how it must be a terrific match for your 5/5s. How would you compare the 5/5s to Harbeth 40s? Love the BBC sound!