if I buy an ultrasonic cleaner for my records will I be able to hear the difference?

I have a lot of records and have cleaned some of them with a VPI vacuum machine. My system is quite nice  but not ultra high end ( turntable about $2K and the rest to match) .Will I be able to hear the difference , with my system or is it just for those who can afford the very best?

Showing 2 responses by inna

Inna is here. Yes, Whart is correct, more information and a little more natural sound overall. As for the noise, almost no difference, but the record I sent to him was already very clean. It was a Cielo e Terra album by Al Di Meola, acoustic guitar, electro-acoustic guitar atmospheric music with percussion on some tracks. I use Okki Nokki machine and Audio Intelligent three step cleaning solutions. Double water rinse. I guess, my system is comparable with the OP’s, I play records on Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm with Goldring 1042 MM and Acoustech PH 1 phono. Purist Audio and Tchernov Audio Reference MK II cables.
Someone said that you don't want to clean records with ultrasonic more than once or maybe twice, that it does something bad to the vinyl.
Can anyone confirm ?