if I buy an ultrasonic cleaner for my records will I be able to hear the difference?

I have a lot of records and have cleaned some of them with a VPI vacuum machine. My system is quite nice  but not ultra high end ( turntable about $2K and the rest to match) .Will I be able to hear the difference , with my system or is it just for those who can afford the very best?

Showing 2 responses by cleeds

I suggest you take a few of your recently-cleaned records to a dealer who sells ultrasonic cleaning machines, and have him clean them for you. Then you can decide for yourself.

For me, the appeal of ultrasonic isn't just cleanliness. It's the one-button "set it and forget it" convenience that something like the Klaudio offers.
Someone said that you don’t want to clean records with ultrasonic more than once or maybe twice, that it does something bad to the vinyl.
Who said that?

I use the Klaudio cleaner and haven’t had any damage at all to my LPs.