I wrote/mailed tax checks today...

Now I’m gonna spend the little play money left over in the 3 for $10 bins.

Ain’t got nuthin left over for the Tech Das Air Force One.

It’s a sad day. The IRS is one of the few reasons I keep a checkbook.



Showing 10 responses by tablejockey

Does everyone at least have their system playing as it should? Listen to some uplifting music because today’s market beating was a good one.


"Not so fast. Retirement takes more planning to avoid taxes. Take too much in regular dividends and capital gains and you’ll still be paying them."


Who said anything about being "tax free?" That’s laughable! I plan on paying taxes for 33 years after my FRA. After that, I’m blowing the rest on a rented Ferrari to Vegas and strippers.

The whole process of check writing, addressing envelope and affixing stamp is painful.

Letting go of the envelope in the mailbox is a traumatic experience.

TGIF. Happy Weekend.

"Save some more for the heavy floor bracing"

Slaw-Im on 100 year old floors. 800 lbs of Tech Das indeed requires proper staging.

I could put it in the garage and stare at it.

"My wife and I paid every year and always a few thousand extra.  Since being retired, we now get a refund of a couple of thousand."

stereo5- that's great. I am looking forward to joining that seemingly elusive club. I've got 7 years to go until F.R.A., and I'm not waiting a day later! If things go better than planned, I'm out in 5.

I can then FINALLY, dedicate more time for proper audio neurosis.



Well, it started off with me disappointed that I'll have to put off getting the Tech Das for yet another year.

"Taxes are taxes wherever one lives, that said cheques still must be 

an American thing, living in Canada it must be at least 25 years since 

I last had a cheque book every thing being electronic."



technically, our bill in the States, isn't due until this Monday, 18th. While the checkbook has been a thing of past for awhile now, it's useful for making certain payments. 

It also is a good refresher for actual handwriting. It's a challenge to complete a sentence in proper cursive(a dead skill now)

Taxes, taxes...and more taxes!

You people outside of California have it easy.

We get hammered, then hammered some more AND we have to be mindful of EVERYTHING that comes out of our mouths because someone is gonna get offended and label you a HATER/AGITATOR!

I'm exaggerating a little bit, but not much.



"Why are so many of you still writing checks? For estimated taxes, the IRS site takes electronic payments. "

tk21- I think most of us know. I write a check as a...nevermind


 "if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime… giving them a fish, (lots) gives them no incentive to succeed in life…"

Sc2- unfortunately, there are people who simply want the fish caught, cleaned AND cooked for them at NO CHAARGE - yet STILL COMPLAIN!

Thank goodness we have a space with boxes that reproduce  music, so we can temporarily forget we just gave up more of our hard earned cash.

Just 360 days left, and we get to do it AGAIN!

"Just wait until these hikes obliterate all the false wealth people thought they had in their house. Meanwhile, my Dividend Aristocrats are still generating the same income they were the day before."


I'm in SoCal-the land of false wealth and $6.00 gas.