i want to send my Oppo 105 to Mod Wright for an upgrade.

I was looking for a new SACD player and a lot of you in other threads kept mentioning how great a Oppo 95 or 105 was with the upgrade.  is one better than the other?
No doubt that Modwright will make your Oppo sound very good.  But it's expensive, and putting new money into an older disk-playing machine would be questionable IMO.  There are far better SQ options for spending $2500+ IMO.
Tweak Audio Ric Schultz is another option. What he has done with the newest IcePower class D modules is nothing short of fantastic

I have a Modwright 205 and I couldn't be happier with it. Dan and his Team do a fantastic job with our Oppos and with customer support. 

Modwright is a awesome company and I would send it to them without reservation.