I want more bass…

Superb pair L’Instrument large horn speakers with two 12” woofers in each speaker.
So how to get more bass? My PassLabs XA25 was too little, my Luxman M900u was too sweet, of course these are not party or club speakers but my guests who are not audiophiles (you know the one’s who ask what are those? I say tubes…) let’s call them the sound bar set!

These speakers are rated down to 18Hz can anyone suggest the best value amp that can deliver bass to these speakers take control and make them move? 98dB sensitive by the way…

Give me some used cheap but real good amps to try please. Exposure? Class A. Not my weak knee’d Bouyrrang A50 300B 😉

Even my D240 MKII Audio Research seem not to push them deep and strong enough for the sound bar set. Can’t imagine I need a subwoofer…




Showing 1 response by fleschler

A Class A 70/80 watt EAR 890 with a touch of bass heft will drive horn speakers incredibly well, especially in the bass.  Substitute better footers (SR MigSx or Townshend Platform), excellent cabling and an SR purple fuse (not necessary as even a glass 4 amp fuse works great) and you will have SOTA amp for your speakers.