I wanna hear some "audio" jokes...and

real life experiences or blunders. Don't be shy, I promise I'll laugh!

Showing 1 response by rockvirgo

Once upon a time...
...gently holding the edges of an LP in the open palms of both hands I put it under running hot water to wash some crud off it. As I swirled it around thoroughly all of a sudden it folded almost completely in half! Following a sudden glimpse of mortality I flipped it back into its original shape. It remains prefectly flat to this day,
30 years later.

...I had this thing against knobs so I ran out and got a brand new SAE P102 preamp that had flat microprocessor
controlled front panel switches. I got it home, hooked it up, and then somehow or other I touched it with a stainless steel dinner fork, completely wiping out the programming. The home appliance store exchanged it for a new one with no questions asked. Almost 20 years later my ex-wife continues to enjoy it.

...after I got my first real job and the paycheck to go with it, I had a habit of celebrating my good fortune by getting way drunk on the weekends. One night, following my safe arrival back at the apartment, I slapped an LP onto my rig which was deftly positioned out of harms way in a corner of the living room. Before the first cut was over I passed out on the sofa. The next morning I awoke to find a good-sized puddle of hmmm... water? under my power amp. Didn't seem to do it any harm at the time and most of the rust on the chassis did come off with car wax years later... just before I sold to the lucky new owner.