I've been gifted a pair of Thiel CS2s

So, I'm starting with the speakers first. :D

They'll more than likely be sitting in an 10' x 8' x 9' (height) room, which hopefully is big enough for them.

Since, as I understand Thiels crave a lot of power,
I'm looking at amps that will double down to 4ohms.

My budget is probably about $1000 for both the amp (or integrated amp and a pre-amp.

I'm currently looking at Aragon 4004.
I'm wondering if this will be "too much" power,
as I live in a condo and it seems a number of sellers are selling the high power amps because they are downsizing.

Anyhow, what would be a good matching pre-amp for the Aragon 4004, in the $500 range?

I've also considered:
< $500 amps: Acurus, Anthem MCA2.

Rotel RB-1080, PS Audio HCA2, McCormack DNA 0.5, Anthem MCA2 (here as well)

Bryston 4B (but it sounds like the ST or SST would be better, but more costly), Conrad Johnson MF-2200, McCormack DNA-125.

I've been reading a lot and learning some.

All opinions welcome.

Doggiehowser, My money is with my direct experience of over a decade with the the CS 2's without concentric drivers, rather than with your recollection of your friends CS 2.4's with concentric drivers, in an undersized space.
Would you not exchange an over-sized gifted sweater for an appropriately sized one?
I expect that if the speakers had been given rather than sold, it might have been because there was a sentimental value. A generic brand new sweater wouldn't have that same attachment.
1) Pre-amp for volume control and connecting a CD player. Eventually, I might look at Home Theatre.
2) My current CD player would be a Bose Wave Radio/CD player. (brief pause to listen for the groans). My current experience with playing CD is they sound very muddled/washed out.
3) No expectations. From what I've read, the Thiels are very revealing. If you have a bad source, like for example a Bose Wave Radio/CD Player, then they will reproduce that very accurately.
4) Yes. Can you have 32" to 40" TV between the two speakers, if they are behind the speakers? I would imagine the amp and pre-amp would sit back there, as well. Although they could be anywhere else in the room - just have to run the cables.
5) If we go with the $1,000 figure, the current McC 0.5 is listed @ 650. So that would leave $350 for a a pre-amp. I could go higher. What is a good split between $$ for an amp and $$ for a pre-amp given a fixed limit of $$'s?
6)No. I actually still have them, in the boxes.

One person suggested I check pawn shops for deals. So, I suppose I could get a cheap receiver just to give them a spin. I could even try CostCo.

I just had a conversation with one of the techs from my church. He indicated they could be turning over the sound equipment. This would be professional level amps. I might be able to borrow one to give the Thiels a spin.

So I have some options.

Anybody have thoughts on the Emotiva line?
These would be brand new, as opposed to used.

I have been focusing on Class A amps.
Can Class A/B drive Thiels, as well?
Or, even Class D?

Thanks again for all the feedback.
I have used Bel Canto REF1000M (Class D) and Electrocompaniet Nemos (A/AB) as well as Plinius SA Reference (A)

I thought also heard a friend's Bryston AB amps drive Thiels.

The Bryston had better midrange vs the the Bel Cantos. But the Bel Cantos had better control of bass, very tight. With a tube preamp, the Bel Canto's midrange improved.

The Nemos improved further on the Bel Cantos bass control further with more authority and more meat. The Plinius was better again.
With the budget you are working I think your money would be far better spend if you focused on getting a good integrated amp. Probably a SS one.

The problem is with Thiel speakers in general, and certainly the ones I drove (not your), SS amps can make a bright sound which can be unbearable to some listeners. Class A amps can sound excellent but you can't buy good Class A amps withing you budget. I found Threshold's SA3, a 50Wt amp, outstanding with my stuff, but that was $3000 new 15 years ago and they still sell used if you can find them for $1000+.

I would try to find an integrated amp which doubles down from say 100wts per channel in 8 ohms to 200 wts per channel in 4ohms (indicates high(er) current delivery, and which has a reputation for having a tone on the warm side of neutral. If I had to compromise on that I would give up a little on the current demand but not much. With any luck you might find one within your bugdet and then be able to find a good CDP.

You are, in a way sadly, coming up against making some serious compromises with speakers that don't like compromises. Good luck............