I should start with speakers. This I know. I’d like to establish a new system.

Returning to a hobby I abandoned two decades ago as life interfered with my personal desires. I’d like to slip back in with a decent package for streaming the likes of Tidal and Qobuz. I’ve relieved myself of all software (vinyl and CDs).

I am currently drifting between horns or BBC sound. Two different worlds, but each intrigue me. Considering Volti Audio with Cary SLI80 Integrated while also Harbeth 40.2 with something like a VTL MB185 Series III. Schizophrenic I know.

Dedicated Room 12’W x 30’L x varied vaulted 11’H.

i’d appreciate any discussion or feedback on my personal dilemma. Opportunities to sample these pairings are not in my immediate grasp, but I can consider travel (SE USA) to educate myself in the process. Budget $20k on used market. TIA

Ag insider logo xs@2xtoontrader

Ai is quite amazing, useful and insightful.  I continue to be impressed with responses to questions like the one above.  Anyone else have this experience with Ai, whether Grok, ChatGPT or others?

@toontrader start with your speakers.  You need to pin down the type of sound you value.  Some are more analytical and others more romantic or possibly organic.  Traditional box, open baffle, horns or something else.  It depends on your musical taste.  Do you want an all rounder or geared to a specific type of music you listen to.  I would then probably jump to the source component and get the best to satisfy your need.  The amplifer section probably leads you to an integrated solution depending on it's capabilities since they can contain a dac and streamer. Last but not least is how all of this equipment plays together (synergy).  I would probably lean on trusted dealer advise since it's really difficult to get all the elements right by just picking up a component here or there.    

Im not going to push any personal faves that are generally highly biased . But may I offer some SYSTEM synergy general decision factors to consider

.Picking your speakers first in isolation without a contemporaneous proper equal consideration to the upstream amplifier options is a high-risk and likely roadway to disappointment. Total system budget allocations matter upfront.

(1) amps vs speakers budget matrix

The philosophy is clear. An affordable speaker with decent amplification (and source) makes more sense than an expensive speaker with a cheap amp and source.

(2) Don’t ignore Amplifier power ratings and your speaker choice impedance curve & speaker efficiency ratings

Another word on amp power: though it’s less of an issue now compared with the days of valve amplification, if your speakers are demanding to drive, you’ll need a suitably muscular amplifier to support them.

Don’t look only at the headline power figure - see what happens when the impedance drops to four ohms. If the number nearly doubles, then your amplifier has good current delivery and will be capable of driving more demanding speakers.

Here is my system :

Wiim Pro Streamer $149

Schiit Yggdrasil+ GS2 DAC $1699

Schiit Freya+ Pre-Amp with 6SN7 Tubes $1049

PS Audio S300 Amp $1999

Harbeth 30.2 XD Speakers $5990

REL T/5X Subwoofer $699

Tom Trager Speaker Stands $1600

Cables $800

About $14k

Similar room to yours. I listen to jazz and rock. Everything in this system is recommended by The Absolute Sound and Stereophile magazines. The WIIM isn't but it's a great product. The DAC is as good or better than their current versions imo but still available from Schiit. This is a soft tube sounding system. I spent a lot of time picking what I believe are the best components available in their price range. TMR has a used pair of Harbeth 40.3 XD with Trager stands for $11,500 right now which would keep you around $20k.


Hello @toontrader , So many ideas and options!  I am  not into BBC or horns or panels, but will nonetheless add my thoughts.  I have a big room similar to yours, with high and vaulted ceilings.  After several old pairs, I found the Revel Studio and Salon 2 speakers.  I first bought the Studio 2's, but needed more pressure for the big room.  I traded up to the bigger and taller Salon 2's and they fill the room wonderfully.  Great bass and smooth treble.  They can still be found used for around 9-12k, and have held their price for years.  For amps I would buy the best Audionet amps you can afford, if not perhaps the Coda S5.5.  The Audionet amps bring speakers to life, with resolution and sparkle without fatigue.  The Max amps are the sweet value spot, with a used pair maybe for around 16k, but well worth it.  If you can find a pair of the Salon 2's, you can likely use them forever or a year or two and sell them for near what you paid.  Come for a visit in Mayland if you like!