I recently emailed John Atkinson of Stereophile

I was concerned lately by the lack of Class "D" preamps in latest Stereophile Recommended Components listings and e-mailed John Atkinson the editor, who implied that because many newer preamps exceed the Class D limitations and newer preamps simply outperform their older bretheren, this class was currently empty. Which got me thinking: one can purchase a used Conrad Johnson PV10a or a Conrad Johnson PF-2 on this site for around six hundred dollars. Does this mean that Newer preamps in the same basic price range, like the new Parasound Halo which goes for $799 at Audio Advisor "sound better" than vintage gear? Any thoughts?

Showing 3 responses by herman

Sorlowski, I don't have to speak Polish to look at the pictures do I :>)

Bbenn, very insightful on the lack of any educational content. As for Fremmer, I used to learn a lot from his column but lately all we get is news from the latest stereo show and unrelated crap like his experience driving a sports car. I only subscribe to get exposure to new music. About all I get from the reviews is info about the music the reviewer is currently using to evaluate his system. I think it is worth the $1 an issue for that.
I've gotten stuck with "The Audiophile Voice" several times. Recently when "Listener" folded, when the "Tracking Angle" folded and it seems like when FI went under.

The only redeeming quality is that it takes so little time to go through it that you don't waste much time.
Corona, may I venture a guess that you are one of the "real" audio companies who doesn't advertise. If so, why hide behind an anonymous moniker taking pot shots at those who have become successful enough to afford these ads.

If you don't have a dog in the hunt then I apologize. If you do, the ethical thing to do is identify yourself.