I notice a lot of reviewers buy the sample piece

When I read Absolute Sound or Stereophile I notice quite a few reviewers will buy the sample gear. Do they get the piece at dealer cost or even below that? I wonder if they have to keep it for a period of time before they can resell it?


Showing 4 responses by jl35

They often use that as the ultimate endorsement. I have read in many places that they get a great price, but there is a time limit before they can sell. 
not only is the purchase an endorsement, the item is then listed as part of the reviewer's reference system for a year, which is also great advertising...
out of curiosity I did a quick random check, and noticed only a small percentage buying the reviewed equipment...
reviewers also tend to only review equipment they have heard and liked. no one wants to listen for a few months to gear they do not like.