I'm still mystified...

...why a seller can specify to be paid by paypal, then expect the buyer to pay the fee. I have yet to hear an argument that makes sense. I, for one, won't buy from anyone that does it.

Showing 1 response by blueranger

I won't buy from them. PayPal is doing them a favor by procuring their money taking on risks and scammers. Then they have the audacity and gall to make the buyer pay all their fees!!!! Come on.. Burns me up those cheapskates. Yeah it's you I'm talking too. Pinch a penny till it hollers. If the products were low margin markup items I could give them a pass. But a $5000 amp or $10k speakers? No integrity and a red flag for problems concerning the quality and status of the unit. Their 9 may be closer to an 8 or a 7. And they may add padded shipping costs as well. Everyone should boycott them No thanks. My big pet peeve here. Shame on you.