I'm new to Step Up Transformers

     I've recently become aware of the existence of SUTs (step up transformers). My initial thought was " why do I need an SUT when my phono preamp (Zestos Andros PS-1) has a circuit for Low Output MC cartridges?
     But many people seem to think that an SUT plugged into the MM channel of the phono stage will be a massive upgrade. I'd love to hear the opinions of anyone who has experience with SUTs. Thanks!


An MI cartridge with a 10 ohm internal resistance like the Paua and some other soundsmith MIs is not comparable to an LOMC with the same internal R, because LOMI cartridges have a MUCH higher inductance, at least 100X to 1000X higher than the LOMC. The inductance adds to the resistance as frequently goes up. Thus the recommendation for a 470 ohm load as a minimum. Dave Slagle mentioned yet another reason for the recommendation. I run MI cartridges with a 1k ohm load, minimum, usually 47K ohms.

The Zestos model I have is the PS-1 (bottom photo).  I did experiment when I got the cart (2 weeks ago) and found 1000 ohms to be too bright and thin. 

   I believe I ended up at 800 ohms (at least for now) and that setting gave a nice airy high end without it getting thin. 

    Lower settings started getting too dark or dull.  But I am told that carts have a break in period so all that could change.

FWIW, my favorite cartridge is a SoundSmith Hyperion, my SUTs are 10:1, but I also fearlessly interchange a variety of LOMC from Ortofon, AT (the recently introduced AT20 is quite nice), and others.  My philosophy is to try things and listen.  BTW, listen means for a while, not just for a minute or two, maybe at least an hour or more after making a change.  I like to give my ears and mind a chance to adjust to the sound of what I am trying.

I’d say wait through 2-3 listening sessions at least one hour each in length, before making any judgement of a new cartridge, and that’s only if you’re very familiar on a long term basis with the phono stage. And even then, cartridges do change over time from new, probably more so than any other piece of gear.

The Zestos model I have is the PS-1 (bottom photo).  

I believe I ended up at 800 ohms (at least for now) and that setting gave a nice airy high end without it getting thin. 

If you have an 800 ohm loading option on the back panel then you probably have the upgraded version Zestro Andros 1.2