I'm in Tidal now. Good choice!

I finally jumped to Tidal after finding out that I can listen to album TALK TALK "Laughing Stock" 24-bit version.

However, the original 1991 vinyl sounds substantially better. This album haven’t been released originally in USA on vinyl so it must be UK or Germany.
If anyone has it in premium shape, please drop me a note. Can offer adequate trades.
Sorry for this ISO here -- at least it’s disclosed:-)

I mostly interested in ability to fish for great titles and track the artists I like. The quality is also important so I want to figure which membership type is the best. I use their default player installed and Lenovo Q190 mini desktop with 250G SSD. I’m on free membership now, will I see all best definition versions or only CD quality?


Showing 1 response by parker65310

I have the Spotify premium membership, but will cancel before my Tidal trial membership expires. Be cognizant that if you make your payments/set up up via the Apple App Store you will pay a lot more ($20 vs $26 a month). You can fix this any time by adding your credit card info to your account on Tidal.com, followed by removing your credit card from the app side. Although the social/sharing aspect is much more developed on Spotify the sound quality and overall vastness of selection in Tidal is superior to Spotify (Hi-Fi membership). I plan to run in through a Blue Sound Node 2 I just purchased. I’m looking forward to soon testing MQA as well on my dipole Apogee Acoustics Dueatta Signature Series II speakers. They are very revealing of source material sound engineering flaws. I don’t care for the corporate record industry using MQA as a way to extort money at every step, but as a consumer, if the sound quality is noticeably better I’ll delve into MQA. I’ll keep you posted.