I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring

I’m looking for objective input because I’m not sure if I’m really OCD. 
I have a beautiful pair for PBN M1!5 in a Black finish which I love and sound incredible.  Peter builds high quality equipment with nothing spared. I think we spend thousands on speaker cables and transport and everything that gets to the binding posts….. And then ? Internally it’s not so great. 
I’m considering re-wiring including binding posts to all Cardas ..

What are some thoughts.  


Showing 1 response by wsrrsw

@bobbyloans If it ain't broke don't fix it.......unless you are an audiophile...you know you want to noodle around. Why not. @waytoomuchstuff makes excellent points in the how to department. But before you get to your workbench is your room treated?

Second guessing oneself is par for the course. You may also need to see the voodoo priest Xanthos Terwilliker to cast a spell eliminating confirmation bias of your hometown pride in your modifications.