I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring

I’m looking for objective input because I’m not sure if I’m really OCD. 
I have a beautiful pair for PBN M1!5 in a Black finish which I love and sound incredible.  Peter builds high quality equipment with nothing spared. I think we spend thousands on speaker cables and transport and everything that gets to the binding posts….. And then ? Internally it’s not so great. 
I’m considering re-wiring including binding posts to all Cardas ..

What are some thoughts.  


Showing 2 responses by tomic601

@wolf_garcia I have ( somewhere ) 50’ of brown lamp cord circa 1965… copper was great again back then… Mac and Bozak endorsed..

Greek is all Greek to me, i specialize in Latin, in particular the prayers for cooperative electrons… likely a Greek thing.. after all

When Peter lived / worked here in Alpine, he was a guy you could have a beer ( the last time i recall w him… he had a hard Cider… )… i would just call him… Unconstrained by $ his answers will likely change..

Also, the last pair of PbN speakers i heard did have a plexiglass back exposed filter network with absolutely nothing to be ashamed of… just my opinion…