I'm a total newbee to all this... Phono vs Preamp?

Ok, I realize that before a turntable's signal gets amplified it needs to (1) get EQ'd and (2) be brought up to Line level. I currently use a decent receiver that has a built in Phono Stage. My turntable also has a built in preamp, but I don't use it.

I've been looking at getting a decent tube preamp to fool around with, but I want to get this straight before I buy anything:
If I hook my turntable into a preamp that does not have a phono-stage, can I still hook that into the Phono section of my receiver? Or will that be too much gain?

Could I switch on the preamp on my table, or would that be too much gain?

Or would I need to get a phono stage on it's own?

Let me know, I'm a tad confused.

Showing 1 response by mapman

I'd suggest just getting a pre-amp with a suitable phono stage built in or separate.

The main thing would be to know what kind of cartridge is used on the phono, ie ceramic, moving magnet, Moving Coil (hi or low output)?

If it is ceramic, I'd start off by considering a new table and cartridge and go from there.