I just was curious about something

I had run a thread saying that I didn't think that someone needed a high-end system to play rap or hip hop. I thought that kind of music would sound better on a low-fi to mid-fi system. People were saying I was racist because of these comments but what I said had nothing to do with racism. To me it was just common sense. Obviously hip hop and rap are huge Industry's and like I have said before they Not only Influence music but also movies and lifestyle. 

If high-end manufacturers thought that the people into rap or hip-hop were Interested in listening to their music on high-end gear they would market a line of gear for them. After all these high-end companies have been losing market share for years and are Interested in looking for new market share which is evidenced by the World of Mcintosh display showroom in N.Y.C.
Taters, just saying that a line of equipment should be made for "them" reeks of class distinction, not to mention racial distinction, due to the implied nature of the genre.

Innocent as it seems (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here), you're digging a deeper hole.

All the best,

You are taking what I said out of context. I am saying If the people that listen to hip-hop and rap wanted to listen on a high-end system the companies could market to that clientele that listen to that type of music. I am not talking about race. I am talking about the demographic that listen to that type of music. Since hip hop and rap are such a fashion statement equipment could be designed for that marketplace. I made the example how World of Mcintosh has a lifestyle display in N.Y.C. To try and cater to a younger crowd Instead of old timers like ourselves.

This is just a thought and I don't know whether it would work or not. From the responses I got on my other thread there seemed to be a lot of people that listened to that type of music. I could see it as a potenial marketing campaign for the companies that already produce that type of product. I am just thinking like a contrarian here. 

"I am saying if the people that listen to hip-hop and rap wanted to listen on a high-end system the companies could market to that clientele that listen to that type of music."

They already do. Audio salons will gladly take anyone's money regardless of what they listen to. 

Having said that, I'm off tomorrow to Deez Audio Nutz to check out the latest boom box.

All the best,

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