holmz Concerning your capacitance question, I might sound like I am on the negative side here but I seriously doubt that 'Capacitance' is the issue. That is unless the effect caused by the floor causes a parallel capacitance which would then modify the value of the internal cap as designed by the manufacturer. If you look at the formula for how a capacitor is rated, the air dielectric and the huge variety of materials that make up common floor coverings would create such a tiny capacitance it would not even be seen. I mean like, NOT in the same universe.
I sort of agree - but that “bunking video” posted earlier showed the capacitance changing.
If is is not capacitance, then there is only inductance and microphonics… if we assume that the resistance is not affected.
or we are left with pure imagination… but the bunking video was somewhat compelling that something electrical is happening, and they were measuring capacitance... Hence the reasoning behind my question.