I find myself "tuning out" anymore.....is the magic fading?

I think I might have hit a plateau in my audiophile/hi-fi journey.

I'm not saying that I don't enjoy listening to my system and music, I certainly do.

However, (and not trying to turn this into a b*tch session), I am REALLY tired of a lot of things that go along with this hobby.

It dawned on me when I received (unsolicited, mind you) a copy of Stereophile and a MusicDirect catalog the other day in the mail.

I can't find a single thing in either magazine that I actually want. Nothing. Even the pretty ad pictures just don't do it for me.

I used to subscribe to several YouTube audio influencer channels. I can't hardly sit through any of them anymore without grimacing. Everything is the "latest/greatest/gotta have it" product. Not only do I just not really trust you any more, but I find myself simply not interested in what you are peddling. 

How many different speakers are you going to audition? Jeez.....buy a set and enjoy them. They can't ALL be the speakers you've ever heard.

Even on here, I find discussions of whether or not some tweak works or doesn't work (cables/fuses/magic rocks, whatever....) to be boring and not worth the time to respond. They might work for you, might not work, I don't care.

Any discussions using the term "Snake Oil" will be summarily dismissed from any future consideration of thought.

Which DAC is the best? How come I still listen to CDs when you can rip all your music to a HD? You NEED a turntable! Your amp is old and sucks. Buy some new speaker cables. Double blind test your interconnects and you'll see.... The Pink Panther brigade says if I measure it, it must be true. (Your ears be d*mned!) You NEED to do this/that or the other thing....because I said so.

Maybe some day I'll get the "upgrade-itis" bug again, but at this point, I'm just not interested. Jaded might be a good word, I don't know....burnt out? Overload?

Anyway, rant over. Was just wondering if anyone else ever got to this point.






I stepped off the crazy chain awhile back...became obvious that SOTA was unobtanium at the practical level and would likely remain such short of a lotto win.

'Not likely', and gaps of having anything up and charming drove me to 'selective acquisitions':  If it appealed to me in some fashion with a price rational through free.
It worked...well, reasonably pleasant to the ears overall.

A bit large all in one place; it could re-emerge into 4 systems, all of which would even out as for what it'd consist of.
Which may happen later this year, but a screed for a later day..

Friend OP, take the tip to take a break... distract for awhile, consider what you'd really like to do with the musics in your life, where and what.
Doesn't have to be Perfect; that only happens IRL.

Everything after is just an illusion. ;)

Post removed 

It sounds like contentment has you worried. Don't let a good thing get you down. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Yes, everyone I know who is in the hobby of Audio has had to Take a Break. When it hit me, a long time ago, I mothballed the whole thing for several years. More recently, whenever I feel like I am sliding back into complacency (with Audio/Music) I have Completely Dismantled, meticulously cleaned, straightened, repaired, painted, treated contacts, tested tubes… whatever seemed doable and re-assembled. It is shocking how long it takes, what ills are “discovered “ and how differently the whole contraption can be re-assembled. Improvements, yes, failed ideas, sometimes, but the important thing is the Exercise of re-evaluation coupled with the Time it takes (could be days, weeks, months…?) can rekindle your interest. The worst that can happen is you have newly prepared equipment for the Used Market.

I remember when the big screen rear projection tv years before Super Bowl in 1985..And then movies and then you needed 6 or 7 speakers with a Big Amp and then a Super Subwoofer..Yikes...And of course the next 15 year trying to better your sound ..Never Ending...Remember going to Bryn Mawr Stereo 3 times in one day to get speakers that sounded really good ..Ended up with Mirage Bi Polar and had them for 30 years..Then saw advertisement for 45 days for tube amp and took me 3 months to pull plug and when it arrived I was shocked what I never heard out of a solid-state that come out of this and of course those 30 year old speakers had to go also..then sent back the tube amp to upgrade in 2019 and was even more impressed with detail never knew existed in the music I heard all those years..Then at 73 years old I made my final upgrade to higher end Amp and still more impressed...But there are days I play system and sure sounds nice but feels like its missing something but another week goes by it sounds beautiful.. Song selection and mood play big part of what we hear at a moment and a week or two or month later it comes together...Just not equipment it is our soul and how we feel at times just like food and how one day you eat something and eat it again you tire of it.

Just take a break and breathe and try later..

PS I am going through this myself now on 6 yr old DAC that sounds beautiful but wonder if I am missing something with purchase of new one ..Never ending wondering what you will hear ??