

Responses from harleyujoe

Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead
I always say if you have room and money go the best sounding period..But until in your room how much more will you hear and guess how good of hearing do you have to really hear the difference... Bring them both home and tell us what you think of s... 
PrimaLuna EVO 400 v Cary SLI-100
The bottom line is we can all tell you our stories and what we hear...    But your hearing and listening room may not even produce what you want to hear from our equipment if in your room...  The bottom line is try and go and listen to a few and s... 
PrimaLuna EVO 400 v Cary SLI-100
If you could hear a Raven Audio Osprey with best tubes setup you would be amazed at what you hear.. Good Luck in your Tube Amp Search..  
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it?
mine started on a I wonder what I can really hear with my tinnitus and always having Solid State for mainly Surround for movies.. So saw Raven Audio Black hawk tube amp somewhere and 45 day test and thought why not.So it arrived and was very surpr... 
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
The chase for sound that does not end for sure...But if what you have is the best you have ever had enjoy the sound and slowly upgrade...I was sort of lucky in some ways that I purchased first tube amp from Raven Audio and tried their speakers fro... 
Should I use Impedance 4 or 8?
Any chance you contacted Raven Audio to just see what they say ?? I have had Raven Audio since 2019 and have been a very happy customer with them responding to every question I have asked.. Hope you enjoy the Black Hawk , I started with that for... 
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?
So I am 74 and just 5 years ago just learned by accident what tubes sounds like compared to Solid-state to my ears..I feel blessed and was blown away what oldie songs can produce in detail that I never heard before..But I started with 6k Tube Amp ... 
Most reputable independent tube equipment repair facilities in the US ?
Had a 70 lb Reflection tube amp that was damaged twice in shipping ... So I would not ship a tube amp ever again..  
Anyone replace the springs of a Nobsound footer?
Under my solid speaker stands  Granite base I use Pads from garage rubber locking pads cut to size 1/2" .. And between my speakers and Stand I use large mouse pad rubber cut to size... Yes in your mind you can spend thousands of dollars for all th... 
I find myself "tuning out" anymore.....is the magic fading?
I remember when the big screen rear projection tv years before Super Bowl in 1985..And then movies and then you needed 6 or 7 speakers with a Big Amp and then a Super Subwoofer..Yikes...And of course the next 15 year trying to better your sound ..... 
Deep Subject...Well I started with two SVS SB10's for higher end tube amp stereo listening.....And as with anyone into music playback one day after owning your equipment you want to hear more detail from it.....But cost and your room space play an... 
Does You Subwoofer Settings ??
The SVS SB16 sounds more natural than my Dual SB10 's I had.. Like anything you get time time time to set it up and settings.. I am sure my tinnitus does not help in setting it up for my ringing at times is high and lower at times ...Makes what ... 
SHIPPING speakers?
Maybe a Long weekend trip meeting the other person half way...Or lower cost of speakers to sell them more local.. Either way its cost to sell items.. That is reason my Harley is in living room..Could not sell unless give away price. So love seein... 
Aggrivated tinnitus from speakers?
73 yrs old and started 1980 and I slept with it until 10 yrs ago when the pitch doubled in sound..So every nite take a sleeping pill or I do not sleep...I worked in ship building welding and chipping guns all around for 42 years.But still have ver... 
Time of Day for best Sound
I basically play winter time and when the Wife Leaves ..When she goes the unit comes on and do not care what time of day ..And play it at 75 db .. And yes some days do sound better than others with weather and mood you could be in...Some days sta...