I did the right thing after all.

I had a post a few months ago where the title was "What did I do?" something like that.

I explained that I just sold Wilson Sophia II speakers and ordered a set of Tekton Moab to replace them.
I got the usual comment that I work for Tekton, I am stupid, I needed the money, don't know what I am doing, I will have to wait 12 weeks min to get the speakers, the speakers will be damaged when they arrive if ever.

I took all that with a grain of salt.  Some asked if I could share my results once I received the Moab. They wanted my opinion. I am not a technical writer or a reviewer. I am just a guy that has been buying and listening to HIFI since 1973. 

My first good system in 1974 was the JBL 100 Century, SAE power amp, Crown preamp, Thorens table with a Shure V15 type III cart.  That system would really sing.

OK, today I have a much better system:
Audio Research Ref 75 amp, Audio Research Ref 3 Pre, Wyred4Sound 10th Ann DAC, VIP Classic 1 table, Mac Mini Steaming Qobuz and Audiovarna.  CD transport playing through the W4S DAC.  High end cables throughout plus a PS Audio AC filter machine.

I figured it to be in the $50K range of replacement costs with new stuff.  The room is large with vaulted ceilings. Some treatments in the room.

So the Tekton speakers were delivered within a week due to a person that ordered them then cancelled. These were complete and sitting in the warehouse for 3 days when I called and ordered them.  I just got lucky.

I have been running them for about 1 month and I bet I have maybe 75 to 100 hours on them.  I am using Straight Wire Cadenza cables. You know why they call them straight wire?  Because they are so thick, you cannot bend them.

Anyway I was keep the speakers in the same position as the Wilson's. Not bad, sound is larger for sure.
Last week I moved away from my 9 feet listening position to about 15 feet from the speakers and about 7 feet from the back wall.   The speakers needed to be spread out a little more. The sound stage totally open up more, bass deeper and more of it. Everything is really good now.  

I streamed a few good recordings of Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters. Ronnie's Telecaster is in the room. I have never experienced anything like that before.  Live recordings sound like I am in the hall. 

Your experiences will vary but I am in a perfect position right now. The only thing I have left to do is install my new phono pre-amp that is being delivered tomorrow, a Modwright 9.0X that I purchased from the Music Room. It is new not used.

I am so glad I sold those Wilson and made some money on the deal while I was at it. It allowed me to buy used Speaker cables that are up to the task with these Tekton's.


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