I'd like to upgrade my speaker wire

I am fairly new here and still learning.  I have a Yamaha R803 receiver and Vandersteen model 1s.  I'm happy with them for now but I'd like to upgrade my speaker wire. I presently have 14 gauge wire I bought years ago at Best Buy. I need 40 feet.  I've read great reviews about Back Cat but I think 40 feet may be a little pricey for me. I'd greatly appreciate any advice on a good quality wire at a reasonable cost. Maybe under $500?   BTW,  I bought Jim Smith's book as recommended here, great advice, thanks.   Doug

Showing 1 response by rrm

Try DNM Resolution. Designed for longer runs. Contrary to most opinions here these are very small thin wires but they sound really, really good.I run 23ft of these under the carpet of my living room to the speakers  on the far wall and they sound better than stranded Kimber wires I've tried. Order direct from their  website and well within your budget