I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage

I have heard it half a dozen times at home, small room, Primaluna HP Integrated or a Rogue Atlas Magnum II and RP-1 Pre and believe it or not a pair of close to 30 year old Paradigm Export Monitors.

The experience I had, I can only describe as sitting in an aquarium when the litlle rectangular glass aquarium was filled with liquid engulfing you from all directions with no awareness of the speaker boxes...it was just perfect!

The room is approximately 12 x 13 x 9, small bedroom converted to a den!

So the question is what speakers does everyone recommend to provide the same experience?? I have a budget of $2000 for the next little babies so let’s not talk about Focal uber expensive stand mounts at $9500 thank you!

Monitor not floor standers and the Primaluna is gone, it’s all Rogue And yes, I would consider a pair of floor standers that are not to intrusive.
I've been bitten by the same bug as you and I have tried several ways to reliably get a holographic effect.  My system consists of Thiel CS5 speakers and Krell amplification. I also have a pair of Mirage M3si speakers that are bipolar. Both of these speakers image very well. Both also respond well to processing to achieve a better image.

My favorite is a BSG QOL processor that enhances the 3D image. They are discontinued but I see one on US Audio Mart for $800 (they were $4k new). The QOL adds depth and definition to the soundstage without any deleterious effects that I can hear. It also doesn't force you to sit in one exact position. You can read reviews of this unit on line.

The second option is a Carver Sonic Holography Generator. I've got one of these too and if you set your system up carefully you can indeed get the "aquarium" effect. The problem is that you need to sit in one exact spot (called "head in a vice") or the effect goes away. These come up regularly on the used market and sell for a couple hundred bucks.

The third thing you might experiment with is a Yamaha DSP-1 Processor. These are long discontinued but you can find them for cheap (< $100) on the used market. You need an extra set of speakers and 2 more channels of amplification but the effect can be absolutely amazing if you take the time to set everything up properly.

I've got all three of the above processors but most of the time I listen with the QOL processor. The Yamaha is really cool and it's fun to demonstrate it for someone who hasn't ever heard this effect (their jaw usually drops to the floor). For a good live recording it's uncanny how real it sounds.

The last thing I suggest is that, if you haven't already, play with speaker positioning including toe-in. If you listen from a very nearfield position you can get an immersive effect from nearly any good speaker.
the ifi itube tube buffer\preamp helps to expand soundstage it has a "3d" switch with 3 positions: 0 no enhancement. first position is meant for floorstanding speakers so a little wider. second position is meant for desktop bookshelves so it's substantially wider,i use the second bookshelf position all the time with floorstanders. it lets me raise the volume a bit more without feeling the sound coming straight at me.i got mine used for a 120$ the new itube 2 is 350$ and has extra bass as well .what bought me was their use of a ge nos tube which i knew before. just for comparison the ps audio bhk at 6k$ uses russian tubes and peachtree audio uses chinese tubes...

As much as I love conventional speakers, no box is going to fill a room with a huge 3D soundstage like a good omnidirectional or bidirectional speaker.

For a room that small I would consider the smallest Ohm Walsh, the Larsen 4s or maybe a pair of cute little Neat Iota Alphas.  Also a pair of used Spatial M4s would work if you could pull them away from the wall two or three feet.

The best way to get 3D sound is to use a 5 channel system. 

RSL Speakers 5.1 Speaker Package $999
Add a second Speedwoofer S10 $399
Yamaha RX-V385 5.1 4K Ultra HD AVR w/Bluetooth $280
Used DENON DBP-1611UD Universal player SACD Blu Ray DVD A $120

With the extra $200 you can pick up about perhaps 10 pretty decent multi channel discs 
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms SACD $15
Pink Floyd / The Dark Side Of The Moon SACD $15...


A side benefit is that as speaker count goes up, speaker deficiencies are less noticeable.

You could easily substitute an older higher quality 5.1 AVR if you do not need bluetooth, etc, elac speakers, etc.