I am going to build a listening room

Yes! You read that correctly!

I am going to build a listening room and I need YOUR help! Yes, I'm talking to you!

I'm not certain if this is the right section of the forums to post this in so please feel free to direct me to the appropriate avenue.

I have the opportunity to renovate a small room in the basement of my house for the very purpose of the enjoyment of music. Measuring 10' wide by 12' deep by 8' tall it is, of course, a small-ish room but I feel that it is an excellent size for a first attempt at building my own room.

Without a shadow of a doubt Mike Lavigne is my main inspiration for this project. He has truly built an eden and I can only wish to accomplish even a fraction of what he has.

If anyone has any advice to help me get started with then I am all ears. Feel free to ask any questions!


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