How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?

One would think that with social distancing and shelter in place policies, there has never been a better time for upgrading and enjoying your audio system.   But is now the time to buy and sell?  The mass unemployment and economic distress accompanying the pandemic seems certain to undermine what is essentially a luxury market encompassing both gearheads and music lovers?  What effects on buying and selling audio gear — both short and long term — can we foresee?

Showing 6 responses by nonoise

Practically everything made, including our medicines, has Chinese content in it. Good luck living off the China grid.
See how far that gets you.

Heck, that was a big bugaboo years when some genius discovered that most of our military gear has circuit boards made in China. The feared there could be a backdoor installed on them. Duh.

All the best,
A certain kind of evil irony is that Rand Paul, the libertarian who voted against the latest bill to lend aid tested positive for the virus and has been regularly working out in the Senate gym and having luncheons with GOP members and staff as well as closed door meetings.

Now they are concerned, as the average age in the Senate is 62.
He'll make sure his government paid medical plan covers him and gets him first in line for a test since he's such a valuable member.

All the best,
nonoise, I am a very sensitive person, but the constant liberal drivel about how F. U. our response has been doesn't sit well with me. I am an independent, so no bias one way or the other. A month ago no one really saw this hitting the U.S. like it did, arm chair quarterbacking is always 20 20. Otherwise a lot of us would have deep 6'd our stock holdings.
I knew back in January this was going to happen and so did most of the informed in the news gathering media. Tons of people knew.

I'm kind of a news junkie and it wasn't the constant liberal drivel about our F.U. response. The criticism came directly from the center, as well as center left, left, and center right.  It's brainwashing like that, that keeps us divided. Chalk it all down to bothsiderism, which negates the true center's voice and leaves us fighting amongst ourselves, which is the intended result.

As for being an independent, that's kind of like saying one is a libertarian, or a green party member. It's the Swiss answer to everything: hey, I'm the neutral party here and don't really have a position so I'm the reasonable one. 

I appreciate that you apologized as this is some pretty F.U .stuff we're in and we'll all go through it in one form or another. But make no mistake, one side went to great lengths to downplay this and ridicule those who sounded the alarm and now they have the audacity to say they always thought it was dire even though there's a video record of them saying otherwise.

All the best,


stereo5, I concur wholeheartedly. I'm beginning to wonder if resources aren't already being allocated according to hierarchy, status, and fealty to those in charge. I wouldn't put it past them.

They did it with their stocks so it would be foolish to think otherwise.

jetter, that was an incredibly sick and mean thing to say. 

All the best,