How to start streaming

I just bought a new very high quality DAC (Schiit Gungnir Multibit) which is doing a wonderful job with my CDs.
I understand that the DAC can be used In wirelessly streaming lossless files from a PC or IPad.
I have no idea how to do this.  I have a large collection of such files on my PC and external  hard drives which I have converted to CD.
Can someone tell me what I need and how to set it up?
 I already have WiFi in my house.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by jond

Hi you cannot stream files wirelessly straight to the DAC you need to connect the DAC to a device that can stream. That could be a streaming device or a computer. The Gungnir itself is simply a DAC not a streamer and has no wireless capabilities. If you do a search there are tons of recent informative threads here about streaming to get you started.