How to make a 20th C Nakamichi rig sing... ?

Hello, thanks in advance for any thoughts...

I've recently come into a very handsome pair - Nakamichi 630 receiver/preamp and 610 stereo control preamp, both from the late 70's. I'm told they're in great condition. So... now, onto a power amp and speakers...

After some discussion on the amps forum, two choices I'm considering are Class D Audio SDS-400C Stereo Power Amplifier (280W RMS per Channel into 4 Ohm THD+N Better Than .02%) or the Parasound Zamp Quattro (90W per channel x 4 into a 4 ohm load - 20Hz-20kHz). The Parasound is slightly underpowered, but has four channels which I like for potentially working with 4 speakers.

Maybe choosing an amp before the speakers is putting the cart before the horse, but these two amp choices have to do with non-flexible size restrictions. In general small is good for this room and this entire set up. And I might as well add here that while I'm willing to make smart investments, money is a consideration as well.

My question is what is the best speaker/amp arrangement for the room?

The room has wood floors and bookshelves, plaster walls, and is about 22 x 15' with 9' ceiling, not huge, not tiny. I'd like to FILL it with a warm bright sound with plenty of beautiful bass. I listen to music and watch films at a fairly low to medium volume, but occasionally have friends over to tear up the floorboards, so it would be nice to have the ability to crank it now and again. I don't like really like that massive boomy theatrical sound - too over the top. I like to listen to music and watch films in a way that brings the sound warmly, pleasingly and organically into the room.

I've been considering putting four small speakers in the room because I project video on to one wall and listen to music all over the room, so essentially I'm trying to create a four speaker "sound bath" effect that fills the room and also makes sense when you're sitting and watching a movie.

The speakers would have to go on the walls, or on top of the built in bookshelf that runs along one entire wall. Again small and narrow depth (less than 10") is good.

Using the four corners, I imagine two would sit on top of built in bookshelf at about 8 feet and two would get mounted high on the wall at same height. That seems like logical placement, but I'm no expert. Could mount them on walls too.

A friend tells me to consider old school KEF 101/2 and/or 102/2... Another poster recommended MicroWalsh Shorts, but where to place if I can't go into the room? Confusion. Maybe there's a two speaker set up that can accomplish the same sound bath effect as four speakers. That would be good as I wouldn't have to double up on amps if I go with the more powerful (but two channel) SDS 400C.

Feeling unsure about what to do here... Given these two amps, could definitely use wise speaker suggestions from people smarter than I in these matters. Many thanks...
Two is enough for giving sound depth and field. I am also a 2 channel guy. If you really want 3D out of 2 channels then use tube power amps.
Thanks Mapman,

The Quads look very nice. I like your description of them.

What do you think about the "sound bath"? Should I be looking at four speakers placed in the room's corners instead of two placed wherever works best?
Another line that just came to mind that could be a very good pairing with an inherent warmer sound is QUAD L series. Very nice and affordable. !2L might work well on a bookshelf. I think there is an active powered version as well that would solve your amp and speaker needs together.

There are also OHM Walsh bookshelf models. John Strohbeen there also is open to doing customized versions and is easy to reach by phone.

There are many good sounding speakers including these but these are unique in that they enable critical listening from most anywhere in the room.

OHMs are fairly neutral sounding though, not inherently "warm". Their sound will mostly be determined by what you feed them upstream. Dynaudio and Sonus Faber are two lines that might tend towards an inherently warmer sound.