How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks

If you want to know what the hoopla is about Class D and want to put together a very nice sounding kit I have a starter recommendation for you.

Go to Parts Express and search for "ICEPower ASP"
Next, look online for Ghent Audio. They make many sets of cases.

You'll need a high power soldering iron, and screw skills.
Between those two, you can put together a very nice monoblock for around $500 a piece.

I highly recommend both. I have no financial interest in either. 
You may need wiring kits, so make sure to order appropriately.

Showing 1 response by atmasphere

Well, that certainly IS what is claimed. Interestingly, and sadly, none of the reviews I’ve found explain it. I know of no class B circuit which allows an amplifier to operate without significant distortion through the zero V crossing point, which is why I said earlier it couldn’t be. If I was reviewing such an amp I would have made it a point to explain this.
FWIW Electro Voice sold a class B with low distortion back in the 1950s. To avoid spikes due to collapse of the magnetic field in the output transformer that transformer was not exposed to DC- just audio. So the amp didn’t have any crossover artifacts. But its tricky and expensive to do, so the idea didn’t catch on.

Nice thread BTW.