How to correct a failed test from the Ortofon accuracy in sound record test

For Christmas I got the Fluance turntable RT85 with the Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge.
Recently taking advantage of some discounts I did buy the Ortofon Accuracy in Sound test record (kind of expensive and unfriendly)
All is well with the tests except when running tracks 5-8 identified as Reference tone for testing channel output
which checks correctness of the connections of the left and right channels. channel balance and speed of the turntable. In my case it was jutt 5 consecutive bursts.  Thanks to a Youtube (It has become an invaluable resource for me) short video about the Ortofon test record, I learned what i supposed to hear if all was well.
Now this is my question "What should I do to correct this challenge"  
It is not critical since I am using the turntable and fully enjoying the music, perhaps due to my age (I am 81 years old)
Regards, Joe

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

At your age this will be news but what we do now when we get a test score we don't like is complain and the teacher changes it. It's called grade inflation. Harvey Mansfield gave up and gives all his student's two grades, the A they all expect and the F they usually actually deserve. 

Even when complaining though there is usually this Kabuki dance where the student gives some story and the teacher pretends it is a reason. So what is your reason? Sort of guessing the missing piece of the puzzle is there are three more bursts you aren't hearing. If they are high in frequency and you are 81 then it's probably just normal high frequency hearing loss and nothing to worry about with the table. But that's just my guess. To get an A for effort let me know.