How to convert VPI turntable to banlanced?

Please help, beside the VPI connection box. What else do I need to VPI turntable to banlanced? Thanks

Showing 6 responses by lewm

Seamaster, Most importantly, you need a true balanced phono stage. Without that, no cable is going to bring you the benefits (or liabilities, if there are any) of balanced operation. Try to find out about your phono stage before you spend any money on cables or boxes. What Bob Bundus wrote about cartridges is correct, but the downstream amplification stages have to be balanced as well.
Is the WooAudio a full-function preamp, or just a linestage? Is it balanced? You can't determine that simply by the fact that it does or does not have XLR inputs and outputs. If it's only a balanced linestage, you will need a balanced phono stage. The phono amplification (at least) needs to be done in balanced mode for you to realize the benefits of balanced operation.

I personally dislke Nordost cables, but that's me.
Seamaster, Do you own a balanced phono stage? If not, don't bother with the rest of it. You will gain nothing but complexity. See my post above. Your cartridge is an inherently balanced source, but it doesn't know or care whether it is driving a single-ended or balanced phono stage. In the former case, one side is connected to ground. In the latter case, that side is now connected to a second amplification stage as the "negative" half of the signal.
Dear Romaxin, So where did I go wrong in your mind, except that my explanation was not as detailed as yours?
I agree with Ralph (Atma-sphere). Why would you ever buy a separate phono stage when you can get a full function preamp with built-in top quality phono for fewer total dollars (as compared to phono stage plus separate linestage) and without the compromises associated with the separate boxes? (Compromises: (1) with separates you need another IC that can/will inevitably color the sound/cost money, and (2) the phono stage usually needs a buffered output stage so it can drive that IC, which ALSO adds a coloration.) As for tubes vs ss, I think you may be cheating yourself if you categorically eliminate one type or the other based on that distinction alone. Disclaimer: I own and use an Atma-sphere MP1. Other balanced phonos, both tube and ss: Ayre P5Xe, ASR Basis, BAT, Aesthetix Io (but lower priced models are not true balanced), Hagerman Trumpet. There are many more but my mind has gone blank, as usual.
Srwooten, Do you know that (about the Xono) for a fact? I was under that impression for quite some time, but I think recently I read some contrary evidence. For one thing, I don't think it has XLR inputs, only XLR outputs. I am sure an e-mail to Pass Labs would clear up any doubts. The Aqvox is another like that; the maker makes some ambiguous statements regarding whether it is balanced or not.