How to convert TV optical output to XLR

I am looking at a new TV set that outputs digital audio via an optical cable and I need to input the optical cable into my Ayre AX-7e Integrated amplifier that takes XLR. It seems all new TV’s output using optical cable (and no longer use RCA plugs).

How do I convert the optical output to XLR? Does this extra step degrade the signal? Do you have any recommendations?

Showing 1 response by riffer

Like the other guys said.

Step 1 - Turn Dolby Digital into PCM
Step 2 - Turn PCM into XLR

The question is where will this happen.

My cable box can output PCM (although they don't call it that), so I am okay with my DAC.

I didn't have a DAC in an older setup, and the analog output of the cable box was far inferior to the digital, so I used a Digital Surround Processor to do the conversion to RCA. I doubt you will find something like this with XLR outputs though.

I really doubt your TV won't be able to output PCM, but you never know.