How to add depth for classical music

While listening to classical music, especially the orchestral pieces (e.g. Beethoven Piano/Violin Concertos, Symphonies), I find that my system is not giving me the depth, such as layers of instruments etc.   My listening environment is not ideal.  I have hard wood floor and tray ceiling.  On one side, I have windows and on the other side, I have a long corridor.  

Here's my system:
  • Parasound P5 & A23
  • Sonus Faber Venere 3.0
  • Bluesound Node2i
  • Chord Qutest

Would a new preamp/amp or integrated amp help?   I've auditioned Moon (SimAudio) 340iX and thought it's more opened than my Parasound.   But for some strange reason, I didn't really like the sound.   Maybe I need to audition again.  

Would room treatment help?  But my options are limited because of my room.

Love to hear your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by petg60

room effects are critical but positioning of your speakers has the greatest effect. Try to position them further apart and close your listening distance, then toe in. Height of listening plays a good role also. True in some recordings the depth and ambience is not so great but the holographic experience should be audible.