How serious are you?

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being totally obsessed, how serious are you about this hobby?  Explain please. Thanks. 


Showing 1 response by whart

My interests are broader than hi-fi and records- which activities wax and wane depending on a lot things. There have been periods where I didn't set up a system; others where I'm crawling around on the floor troubleshooting, doing album shoot-outs or tube rolling. 

My career was as a copyright lawyer and I did a lot of catalog deals so I know how the industry was structured. A lot has changed.

And my real interest is the history of the technology and the changes in music over time. So I've been beefing up my chops on archival/preservation and am going to try to go back to school- I would be 70 years old by the time I start the program.

I'd say it has consumed a large part of my life but not just as an "audiophile" or record collector.