how refined are your ears?

Category: Accessories

I am a fan of tenor singers and my favorite is Andrea Bocelli I was just given a copy of his new album from my friend at Universal but my fellow producer friend Devon says that his vocals are'nt as good as I think they are.
So please post your opinion here...
here is a link to his newest song. This is the song in question.
Don't be too envious, the downside, having to come back here is a very heavy load, at least for me.
Schubert, I envy your time in Germany. Clearly, you made the best of that opportunity. I would dearly love to sample first hand the offerings in Leipzig, Dresden, and Berlin. I suppose, if I am ever able to make that trip I will have to take in a concert at the Golden Hall as well.
Sibelius is very dear to me. Grieg, not so much. Could be an undiscovered country yet, but so far, it is just ok. BTW, I have taken quite a liking to the quartets of Ruud Landgaard. I will check out the Decca recording you sited above. I will also look for the Guarneri. I had the pleasure of seeing their penultimate concert.
We will see , Bill- just ordered the Padmore off Amazon.

Having seen F-D a dozen times in person with Moore really internalized it as well. Memory is VERY powerful.
I buy every recording of the Gewandaus I see not
because its the worlds greatest band, though it is world class, but because my wife and I went to a hundred concerts there, the hall sound is imbedded in my mind and my Gallos are great at reproducing same.
But then I never thought anyone would equal Radu Lupu in the Schubert pn, sontas either and along comes Michael Korstick!
One could live 50 lifetimes and not come close to exhausting the glories of classical music.
Brownsfan, Of Lieder outside of the Schubert universe my fave is Hans Hotter/ Persons singing Wolf, Strauss and Brahms, Decca 480 8160, 1975 .

And as I'm sure you know, 2015 is the 150th for the Nordic giants, Greig and Sibelius .The greatness of their lone string Qts, , esp the Sibelius, seems overlooked by most.
I treasure my Guarneri of both on Phillips D 100 104 .
Schubert, Funny you mention Fisher-Dieskau imprinting! I thought to myself, if Len has had a steady diet of Fisher-Dieskau's Schubert lieder, Padmore is going to be a tough sell. Fisher-Dieskau's Mullerin is great stuff, but Padmore convinces me he is a love struck young man. Fisher-Dieskau's account is great art.
I also like Paul Lewis' work very much. They also did Schwanengesang and Winterreise together.
To be honest Bill, after 40 years of Fisher-Dieskau imprinting I doubt if I'm capable of a objective opinion on the lieder. I'll try, but as I don't download will be awhile.
Schubert, I would be very interested in your reaction to Padmore's Schubert. He brings that which we now expect from Bachs passions to Schubert. Reactions have been mixed. As for JFF, it's not like it took a genius to see that train wreck coming.
Thanks Brownsfan.I'look into him as soon as the swelling in my head from my 110% correct predictions on Johnny Football
goes down enough to get through the bathroom door.
I'm going to submit for your consideration tenor Mark Padmore. He is well known for his his baroque works, but I also just love his recordings of the Schubert lieder with Paul Lewis. He has a unique way of saying more with less, if you catch my drift. To me, his Schubert has a rightness about it that can't be surpassed. They are lieder, not opera! See, now I've talked myself into cueing up Die Schone Mullerin.

If you want to know what great singing sounds like you need to listen to Jussi Bjorling, the GREAT Swedish tenor.
IMHO, Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman are in the same league. If they float your boat then by all means collect their CD's. I personally don't own any. I have been listening to the classical voice for over 25 years so by now have a pretty good knowledge and appreciation of a classical singer's art. A beautiful voice is definitely a good start, but it's the technique and art of delivering the line and the meaning of the text/lyrics that differentiate a singer's singer from a mere songster/songstress.
Callas does not have a beautiful voice but one only needs a few seconds of listening to her arias to recognize a legend.
Hi there! I agreed with your friend Devon. Andrea is very popular at the moment. Heck, I even have a few of his CDs. The thing is that his voice is not perfect. I used to be a music retailer and I have listened to a fair amount of classical singers. There are better singers out there.

But don't fret it. If you like his music, buy it. Same thing for Diana Krall. I like her. But we know that there are better singers out there. I used to think that Kenny G is jazz. I wouldn't buy every album that he churned out but I definitely keep his two best albums. Listen to recommendations and read reviews. Take a chance and buy something that you normally wouldn't touch. Like Bjork!

Just keep listening. That's more important than having a closed mind and making uninformed decisions.