How old are you?

No age is too young or too old. Just general curiosity about the average age of Audiogon members. 

I’ll start. I’m 39.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3
Born in the '50's & still Rock like it was the 60's. 67 years young to be exact 
69.5 years

My first system in 1962 included a Heathkit tape deck, amplifier, and AJ-10 tuner (stereo achieved by one channel on FM and the other on AM) built by father and me; a Garrard turntable (a rumbler), AR2 speakers (we finished).
Funny, my first system when I went away to college in 1971 was a Pacific Stereo $199 special that included a cool Lenco Swiss TT. Look what they are going for now rebuilt!