Great point and well said.
And, as always, 'how loud' is a personal matter.
Loud to me, used to be moderate to some and so on.
Another Jim Thiel quote here...
One time during a seminar, someone asked Jim..(at my store)...
"Mr. Thiel...all things being equal, would 200 watts be better than 100 watts."
Talk about flummoxed...Jim stood for the longest time...contemplating, with that look (if you knew him, you'd know, 'that look').
'Well, things are almost never equal, but yes...'
The questioner started to sit...
'But then, 10,000 watts would be even better...' Smile...
I suppose you had to be there, but it was hilarious...Jim never TRIED to be funny but, DAMN sometimes he was a scream...this was one of those times.
Good Listening,