How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?

What is the best ratio (out of a total of 100%) in terms of money to put in a high-end hi-fi set containing:
1. CD player/DAC, 2. Pre-amp, 3. Power-amp, 4. speakers.
(25% will be assigned to each if the 4 parts are equal).
Can we take this as a reference to distribute the budget when buying power-amp?

Looking forward to learning experiences and technical information from audiophiles including hi-fi dealers.

Showing 2 responses by willgolf

P.S. Cables, Power cords, Power Condtioners, fuses, isolation pods and room acoustics all play into the equation.  However, that can be done later.
A very interesting thread with no right or wrong answers IMHO.  For me, the first component you want to get right is the speakers.  Take your time and don't just buy what the local dealer tries to sell you.  Then you match the amp / pre-amp or integrated.  Depending on your budget, I would go integrated and then you can add a music server to the equation.  So my vote is 35% speakers, 45% Dac and Music Server, and 20% amps.  I just believe it is easy to change out amps so if you don't like them try something else. DAC's / Music Servers had a major major impact on my system.