How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?

What is the best ratio (out of a total of 100%) in terms of money to put in a high-end hi-fi set containing:
1. CD player/DAC, 2. Pre-amp, 3. Power-amp, 4. speakers.
(25% will be assigned to each if the 4 parts are equal).
Can we take this as a reference to distribute the budget when buying power-amp?

Looking forward to learning experiences and technical information from audiophiles including hi-fi dealers.

Showing 3 responses by unsound

Matching amps to speakers is a critical consideration. Depending on the 1. CD player / DAC and the 3. Power-amp compatibility;  the 2. Pre-amp might be superfluous.
IMO, From most to least important:

1. Budget
2. Room
3. Speakers
4. Amplification 
5. Sources
6. Cables
7. Rack