How many LP's


I'm thinking of taking a jump to a turntable.......& such

I had 700 albums that I " dumped" when cd's arrived.........
Old BIC turntable 
A big "Stupid" move

Good Analog is " the best", to me


How many albums do you guys have in the " library "?
How many are 45's vs 33's

My thought; as a starter 


Showing 4 responses by bdp24

I recently bought a VPI HW-19 specifically to mount a Trans-Fi on. Can't do that with my Townshend Rock table ;-) .

I'm very interested in the Trans-Fi arm Terry, as the designer/manufacturer pictures it on his website with a London Reference pick-up mounted on it. How cool is that?! I few of the Decca/London owners on the Lenco users site swear by the arm too. A grand for such an arm is so reasonable these days.

For younger readers, now is a great time to get into buying and listening to music on LP, as there are millions of them in good record stores and thrift shops all over the country. Used LP's are dirt cheap, and great cleaners plentiful. And the choice of players is the best it's ever been, with high quality available at reasonable prices. And as time moves on, and we older guys die off, even better LP finds await ya'll. LP collecting is way more fun than CD buying and digital downloading! 

100 LP's? Why bother? With the cost (and inconvenience) of a good turntable/arm/cartridge player, and the cost of new LP's and a (at least) vacuum cleaner, to go to all that trouble for only one hundred LP's seems out of proportion. IMO.

Organizing LP's is simple---alphabetical by performer for Pop/Rock/etc., alpha by first composer, then performer, for Classical.

I hear ya Mitch! Reaching a certain age is sobering in a number of ways, the time remaining for listening to music being a major one. So, in preparing for the last relocation of my life, I went through my LPs, of which there were somewhere around 4500-5000. I kept only those I either love or have high expectations of loving (the ones yet unopened and listened to), selling the rest to Rik Frystak, the head of buying at Amoeba Music in L.A. I just set-up my new LP racks (the fantastic IKEA EKET's), filling them with my remaining collection. I don't know how many LP's comprise that (and I'm not about to count them!), but they measure about 416 linear feet. Two thirds Pop, one third Classical.

I did the same with my CD's, getting rid of about maybe 40 per cent of them, whittling my library down to around 5000-6000 (Pop to Classical around 60/40). I do believe CD's actually take up more room than do LP's! My music room's walls will be completely covered with LP's and CD's when done, the corners reserved for ASC Tube Traps.