How many amps do you own?

i am wondering how many folks here own more than one amp. I own a couple of amps...a tube mono block ( Jadis) and a stereo ss Jeff Rowland model 8t ( modded). These two amps give me what I consider to be the best of ss and tubes. i do NOT use the amps in the system at the same time. As such, the system requires two sets of speaker cables and two sets of ic cables. I can run two amps off my preamp. Anyone else have the option of two amps..if so, what are they and why do you run multiples.

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Well, let's see there's the amp in my iPod, MacBook Pro, Macbook Air, wife's cell phone, Comcast cable box, Herron phono stage, my cell phone, oh and six more around the house, then there's the Melody I use, the Aronov that's busted but can't bring myself to throw away, and the whatever it is in the living room. Oh! Almost forgot! The CD player has an amp, DVD ditto, and the tuner as well- so 18. Wow!

Oh crap! Almost forgot the cars! Make it an even 20!