How long do you think it will take

for new and used sales prices of components made in China to collapse because nobody wants them? To judge by the level of denial I'm thinking by the end of the year. But curious to know if people think it might come even sooner than that?

Showing 5 responses by oregonpapa

The NBA loves endorsement money from Nike. There are 800,000,000 NBA basketball fans in China. Chinese basketball fans love Nike basketball shoes. What will Nike and the NBA's position be regarding China now? 

Racism is in the eye of the beholder. One thing that comes to mind, is that those who see race everywhere and in everything, are usually the racists.

The communist regime in China deserves to be bashed at this point, if for no other reason than the two million Muslims locked up in China's gulags. 

+1 Rodman.

Political correctness is nothing more than thought control 


  • " Spoken like a true one, indeed."

Would you like to explore the history of racism in the party you support? Let's start with the Dixiecrats, then move onto Woodrow Wilson. Then we can move from there to FDR. And then to the governors and the mayors who aimed the firehoses and unleashed the attack dogs in Birmingham and Selma. And then on to that icon of civil rights, Lyndon B. Johnson. 

Now tell me how the Democrats and the Republicans "switched parties." 


nonoise ...

  • Frank, there are kids in high school who don’t fall for that crap anymore.
  • You need some new material.

What "crap" are you alluding to? Be specific, please.


Ozzy ...

Yes, it’s the old leftist "White Privilege" card, designed to keep people separate. Divide and conquer is their game. Divide society into separate groups, then convince each group that they are victims, at which time, the Marxists. err ... I mean the "Social Democrats" step in as the Man on the White Horse to save all. The only requirement is that they stay in power and you bend over and do as they say.
