How Long Did It Take You To Build Your Dream Setup?

I hope this isn't too off topic, but I'm curious as to how long it has taken to build your dream setup? I'm on the ever long hunt for MORE and BETTER and I think I need some other users perspective as my neurotic brain is on the hunt monthly for upgrades. 

Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

My 1st exposure to 'decent fi' was when my older bro wired up an HK tube preamp and amp.  Drove it with a 7" R2R....forget what speakers he had....

I used to sneak in and play his tapes.

Mitch Miller wasn't a real thrill, but Peter, Paul, & Mary's 'Late Again' was a fav....ruined me forever, for which I owe him That.

"Too much of nothing can make a man feel ill at ease..."
Still relevant....dammit...2:29 of reality, then and now....

Started listening to Brubeck vs. The Beatles....the rest is hysterical...;)