How important is spending time with your gear?

In another topic we're talking about digital input speakers, and it got me thinking about something entirely different. 

How important is it to spend time physically close to your gear, vs. enjoying it's output?  If you could have your gear in another room, or closet, and you were left with just your speakers with no audible downside would you do it?  Would you put your gear away and enjoy the empty space or do you need the physical closeness?

Clearly turntables make this a challenge, and there will be some poopy heads which don't get the question or can't stretch their imagination but for those who can, would you?


I like to see all of my gear. Including the cables. It cost more than my house.😍 Plus i do not have a wife to spoil my fun. lol.


I think most people here are anachrophiles.  We do like looking at our gear while we listen.  Of course many pieces are beautifully designed and constructed as well as engineered so it is a pleasure to look at it.  eg my Martin Logan CLX Anniversaries, Simon Yorke record player, even the brutal Krell KRS200s.


But @bobpyle expresses the wish of the next generation.  Kids today want music and everything else pumped directly into their brains and pretty soon this will be the norm.  I can't think of anything worse, and I doubt the sound quality will be any good.  But they don't care about that.  Good SQ is not cool.

Ouch, I couldn’t do it.  It would be like having a Yenko Camaro or a beautiful Harley covered up in a storage unit and never driving them. Why?

If I don't like it visually, it doesn't belong in my system.  (I just got around to buying an amp with a remote this last year, so progress is slow here...)

It sounds like, for many here, the gear is more important than the music.