I know well of design of Quicksilvers you're about to get. The AC issues are all taken care of inside the unit and less-likely you will gain something going through the powercord game.
You're about to get the unit of one of the finest quality manufactured nowdays so worry less and it's OK with stock powercord unless you need to run larger distances thus you need to increase the gauge.
The stock cord 14AWG can be replaced with Digikey 10AWG dedicated audio powercord that costs a small fraction of all after-market audiophile ones but offers absolutely the same level of performance.
I know well of design of Quicksilvers you're about to get. The AC issues are all taken care of inside the unit and less-likely you will gain something going through the powercord game.
You're about to get the unit of one of the finest quality manufactured nowdays so worry less and it's OK with stock powercord unless you need to run larger distances thus you need to increase the gauge.
The stock cord 14AWG can be replaced with Digikey 10AWG dedicated audio powercord that costs a small fraction of all after-market audiophile ones but offers absolutely the same level of performance.