How good is Emotiva 2 channel gear??

How does Emotiva compare to NAD, Adcom, Parasound, McIntosh, Classe? Notice that I have included mid-fi and hi-fi...Is their gear really that good for so low a price??

Showing 3 responses by hawk28

It's interesting to find that there is such a wide range of opinions on Emotiva gear. I've read posts where it has been dismissed as entry level budget gear, while others have compared it to much costlier gear. I happen to like the build and sound quality of Emotiva, and I also believe that some of its gear performs way above its price point.

Anyone considering Emotiva, go for it, and if you don't like it, you can return it within 30 days, or sell it quite quickly on the used market.
02-21-11: Robbob
"Entry level gear is not Emotiva. Even with their low prices a good system based on Emotiva amps and processors will cost more than anything "entry level."
Entry level is a Sony, Denon or Onkyo receiver powering some Mirage speakers. And guess what? That can sound pretty good if set up well. But once you get into separates things change and we're not at entry level anymore."

Ditto. Couldn't agree more.
I compared my upa-1 monoblocks to both my musical fidelity a300 integrated and my a3cr power amp, and in both scenarios, I found the UPA-1's to be smoother in presentation, making the midrange more enjoyable. The UPA's had more air in the highs, while the bass was tight yet plentiful. Although I still enjoy my MF gear for its detail and pace, the UPA's are a little more fun to listen to in my system.