How eclectic is your taste in music?

Most, if not all, of my best friends in life have embraced different forms/styles/types of music.  

The music ranged from Jazz to Classical to some Rock and others...even some more classic, early country. 

Do you enjoy various music styles or are you more focused on a type or two?....And how/where does the 
music of this season fit in?  I find Nat Cole doing Mel Torme's  "The Christmas Song" comes very close to nearly everything I love about music. 

And I have gotten over people thinking the title to that song is "Chestnuts Roasting"....I no longer have the urge to burn down their tree...mostly. 


Showing 1 response by dayglow

I listen to a wide range of music. Everything from Mahalia Jackson to Lamb Of God. What I don't like is "quirky" music that can lack skill... musically or vocally. An obvious example would be The Sex Pistols or other punk or post punk bands,. B-52's/Ramones/The Clash/Talking Heads and Lou Reed are examples of music I have little or no interest in.